About Us

Hattiesburg, MS, United States
We are a really average family that just can't get over that we have been adopted by an extraordinary God! We are excited and expectant as the journey to enlarge our family unfolds before us.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have commented here and on Facebook. Your insight has been helpful. I think a big part of our reaction is just plain old fear. We've read a ton on attachment issues and all the other things that are potentially going to be an issue. We've dealt with some of the attachment and sensory integration issues with Erick when he was adopted as an 19-month-old out of an orphanage, but it feels pretty different with a 7 1/2-year-old. It's easy to read a lot into everything we see.

This afternoon, I picked up Fields of the Fatherless. A good friend sent it along with us. It was a good reminder. God is on our side. He is glorified by what he is doing through us, and the fear is not of Him.

Just praying tomorrow will be a little better. Regardless, we are trusting....and working hard to be a family of 4.



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