About Us

Hattiesburg, MS, United States
We are a really average family that just can't get over that we have been adopted by an extraordinary God! We are excited and expectant as the journey to enlarge our family unfolds before us.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So...Today is a good day!!!!!

In the spirit of taking one day at a time, today is a really good day. Late yesterday afternoon, Denise got the call we have been hoping for. An officer from the USCIS called to touch base with us about the questions we had regarding our petition. She was very nice and EXTREMELY helpful!!!! I am happy to report that the "fingerprint thing" is solved!!!!! Yeah God!!!!! (Thanks for praying!!!!) There are still some procedural hoops to jump through with the State of Mississippi (pray that MDHS gets a child abuse clearance on my Mom in a hurry), but it looks like everything could be settled before we head over, and that if not, it can all be taken care of when we are in process in Ukraine.

My mom is leaving for Orlando tomorrow or Thursday. This is a bitter sweet time. I am glad she is getting to spend some time with my uncle, but it leaves a void. Pray for her as she is separated from us and for Erick as he adjusts to yet another change in the routine.

We had a really significant blessing this weekend. We hosted our friends Mary Ellen and Joel Ragains in our home. They are IMB missionaries in Ukraine. I have taught with them at Kyiv Theological Seminary a couple of times. It was sweet fellowship with them, and Erick loved them. He is now referring to them as his "Ukraine Grandparents." A week ago, he was hating the idea of flying to Ukraine (again the anxiety and routine thing--see a theme?), and now he can't wait to go see Mr. Joel and Mrs. Mary Ellen and check out their Ukrainian plumbing and their ceiling leaks. It look like his obsession with plumbing and electricity will be our constant on the trip!!!!!

T-minus 13 days and counting until we depart...I had better go and pack something...


1 comment:

Carl Fortenberry said...

Great news Rick...thanks for the update!