About Us

Hattiesburg, MS, United States
We are a really average family that just can't get over that we have been adopted by an extraordinary God! We are excited and expectant as the journey to enlarge our family unfolds before us.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Not a Fairly Tale

We often tell people that adoption of older kids is not a fairy tale. Today is an example of why. It’s messy.

We got going this morning after a rather crazy night last night. Our evening was cut short due to a city-wide power outage. It’s Ukraine! It happens! The good news is that our Alias marathon ended early. The bad news is that we were awakened at 1 in the morning by a horrible beeping sound that we finally discovered was coming from the apartment next door.

When we finally got going this morning, Galya called and said that K had not returned to the orphanage all weekend, and there was no word. We went to the orphanage and then to the inspector’s office only to find out the final conclusion that without her providing a letter either accepting or declining our offer of adoption, we could do nothing about N’s adoption. The Inspector indicated that if she was not found we would have to leave or go and get another referral for other children. She seemed puzzled that we would not want to do that. It was really discouraging. We decided to head to lunch at around 2:30 and regroup. Just as we ordered lunch, the orphanage called and said K was back. We cancelled our order and headed back.

When we arrived, we were ushered into a room where K was waiting for us with a caregiver and the psychologist. We all sat down. She never really even looked at us. She said something to our facilitator that seemed to indicate that she was going to accept our offer to be adopted. Then she began to write her letter. She paused and asked Galya how to word something and then it was done...she had refused our offer of adoption. Just that quickly, it was over. She cried. We cried. We hugged and talked to her her about the place that she would have in our lives regardless of her decision. She will always be the sister of our adopted daughter, but we wanted to bring her home to Hattiesburg too. We’ve learned more over the last few days. More than can be shared here, and more than we could have known before we arrived.

Our next big complication is in scheduling the court hearing. Galya went to see the Judge after we got K’s letter. She saw the Judge after court, and the judge blew her off about giving us a court date. She said she would not even consider our petition until Jan. 4. That would mean that we might not get a hearing until the week of Jan. 10. Galya spent most of dinner tonight trying to convince us to consider flying home for a couple of weeks until we have court. We are going to see what the next few days bring. Please pray with us for wisdom and discernment. We want to do what is best for everyone here and at home.

N comes back tomorrow. We are anxious to see her. We understand that she has been calling the orphanage often. She has been worried that the adoption will not take place. It will be good to reassure her.

We are thankful for your prayers and love!


Unknown said...

Wanted you guys to know I have been praying and will continue to do so. My heart breaks for K, and you as well. Excited for you to be able to reassure N soon!

Unknown said...

Matt and I have been following your journey, and wanted you to know we are praying for you. Such craziness! Adoption is indeed very, very messy.