About Us

Hattiesburg, MS, United States
We are a really average family that just can't get over that we have been adopted by an extraordinary God! We are excited and expectant as the journey to enlarge our family unfolds before us.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our life and ministry future

Today has been one of those days in ministry that is a mixture of great and difficult.

Today, I announced that I will be leaving Temple Baptist Church to become the Associate Pastor for Equipping and Discipleship at Faith Baptist Church in Bartlett, Tennessee. It has been difficult in that we are saying goodbye to some great friends and to a wonderful season of ministry. We are so grateful for the opportunity to have served and made our home here and to have been able to see God use Temple to plant churches, make disciples, take the gospel to the nations and care for the fatherless.

We have grown and you have ministered to us, and we pray that we have served God well here with you. I look forward to seeing what God will do through Temple to make disciples of all nations into the future!

We have grown as a family (by two), and you were part of that and always will be. We have you as part of our story, and that makes me smile. Thank you!

Soon, we will be transitioning to our new assignment among the people of Faith. We are ready to get started. Me head is swimming already with thoughts of what is to come. I am so excited about the ministry that lies ahead at Faith. I can't wait!

Thank you for praying for us in the transition!